
ASH 2016: Patient Perspective with Cindy Chmielewski

| Cindy Chmielewski

In this video, patient advocate and active member of the Philadelphia Multiple Myeloma Networking Group Cindy Chmielewski says that she “couldn’t imagine how this year’s meeting could compare to last year’s ASH, or the ‘November to Remember.’” She points out drugs she learned about at this year’s meeting used to treat relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma patients: Selenixor and Venetoclax. She also shares what she learned about the talk of the HIV-inhibitor Nelfinavir that may be used to treat myeloma patients in the future. She leaves ASH “rejuvenated and with a renewed feeling of hope.”


Cindy Chmielewski

Advocate, Ambassador & Mentor, Patient Services Volunteer, @Ash_hematology Speaker, Myeloma Survivor, IRB Member, @CureForward PMA #MMSM #ePatient #canserve. Cindy also facilitates the Philadelphia Multiple Myeloma Networking Group.

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