
ASH 2016: Support Group Perspective with Robin Tuohy

| Robin Tuohy

In this video, the IMF’s Senior Director of Support Groups points out the number of new classes of myeloma drugs that are in the pipeline. From ASH 2016, she is able to go home to a support group she co-leads in Connecticut and share the viability of stem cell transplants for patients over the age of 65, based more on their fit v. frail status than their age. She closes this talk by extending her gratitude to the IMF, to the organization’s President and Founder Susie Novis Durie, and our pharmaceutical sponsors.


Robin Tuohy

Robin Tuohy is caregiver to her husband Michael, who was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2000 at the age of 36. Robin is also the Senior Director of Support Groups for the International Myeloma Foundation. Robin will be leading a group of 15 myeloma patients and support group leaders through the various programs at ASH 2016. Each day will consist of listening to oral presentations, viewing posters in the vast Exhibition Hall, attending educational, myeloma specific programs, and much more. During ASH, Robin will be providing updates on all of the exciting activities the support group leaders participate in. Robin hopes the support group leaders’ blog posts, videos, tweets, and live coverage from all events will spread hope and excitement for our futures! Knowledge is Power! She hopes to bring back all the knowledge she gains at #ASH16 to her local support group, the Connecticut Multiple Myeloma Fighters Information Group.

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