
Back in the trenches after ASH 2016

| John Auerbacher

BACK IN THE TRENCHES AFTER 2016 ASH Less than a day after returning from 2016 ASH, our IMF Westchester [NY] Support Group met for our monthly meeting. The format spontaneously changed into a two-hour discussion, in place of our customary round table where each person has an opportunity to discuss their current status and to […]

ASH 2016: Patient Perspective with John Auerbacher

| John Auerbacher

In this video, co-leader of the White Plains/Westchester (NY) Multiple Myeloma Support Group and myeloma patient John Auerbacher says this about the 58th American Society of Hematology meeting: “If ever we worried there would be enough researchers in multiple myeloma, we would be wrong.” He comments that while attending meetings with the depth and intricacy […]

Choosing your myeloma specialist

| John Auerbacher

I am reminded at ASH of the old saw as to how the economy really works – the answer is that 100,000,000 people get up every morning and go to work. That is how it looks in San Diego. The enthusiasm and energy of the researchers, pharma people, nurses, and doctors is tangible. The sessions […]

Pre-ASH anticipation and post-election miasma

| John Auerbacher

I am feeling a bit dark in this post-election miasma – a sense of the unknown with respect to where the new government is headed; similarly, living with multiple myeloma often feels as if I am heading into the unknown. And it is a matter of trust in both cases, which spells the difference between […]


John Auerbacher

Diagnosed with myeloma in 2004, John Auerbacher became involved with the IMF by attending a Patient & Family seminar. Now, seven Patient & Family seminars later, he is the co-facilitator of the Westchester (NY) Myeloma Support Group.

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