
Bring It Home

| John De Flice

The idiom “bring it home” has been defined as, “to make something more clearly understood,” “to get to the heart of the matter,” to make perfectly clear,” “to return home with a gift for someone,” “to make someone understand much more clearly than they did before,” “to cause someone to realize something,” and so on.  […]

ASH 2016: Patient Perspective with John DeFlice

| John De Flice

In this video, patient advocate and co-leader of the Land of Enchantment Myeloma Support Group in Sante Fe, New Mexico, says he will be taking back the wealth of information that he learned at the 58th American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting to his local support groups, to folks who may not be able to […]

Reflecting on hope

| John De Flice

“Yes, you can sit on my bed and be hopeful.” —John DeFlice There were two important things I learned early on in my medical residency.  One, do not sit on a patient’s bed unless you are invited to. The bed is the domain in a foreign environment of the hospital. Two, you never take away […]

A November to remember

| John De Flice

I remember the day that President Kennedy was shot: 12:30 p.m., November 22, 1963. I was in middle school . . . in the cafeteria with many confused adolescents when I learned the news. Just as clearly, I remember staying with my aunt while interviewing for medical school in San Francisco. Sitting across from me […]


John DeFlice, MD

Diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2010, John DeFelice and his wife shortly thereafter attended several Los Angeles Patient & Family seminars. Today, he is co-leader of the Land of Enchantment Multiple Myeloma Support Group. Excited to attend ASH 2016, John hopes to learn about new therapies for relapse and about data in regards to maintenance therapy.

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