
Digesting it all

| Teresa Miceli

As I return home from the 58th annual American Society of Hematology meeting, there is so much information to digest and process. It was like a cornucopia of data. The #daratumumab information was plentiful – from the Castor and Pollux studies achieving Food and Drug Administration approval for use with Velcade + Dex or Revlimid […]

New and networking

| Teresa Miceli

As we near the last days of the 58th Annual American Society of Hematology (ASH) meeting, my brain is filling and my body is tiring. We have had many full days of educational sessions and networking with members of the myeloma community. Here are just a few takeaways that I would like to share: A […]

Never a more dynamic and hopeful time . . . .

| Teresa Miceli

The 58th Annual American Society of Hematology (#ASH16, #IMFASH16) meeting is quickly approaching. Again, it will be held in San Diego, California, from December 3–5th, 2016. I have attended this meeting multiple times, in many locations, and, in recent years, with the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) as a support group leader (SGL) and nurse liaison […]


Teresa Miceli, RN

Teresa MIceli is a RN at Mayo Clinic-Rochester in the area of Blood and Marrow Transplant. She is a member of the International Myeloma Foundation’s Nurse Leadership Board and the facilitator of the Rochester Multiple Myeloma Sharing Sessions in Minnesota. Teresa has attended ASH many times, both as a learner and educator. She comes to ASH 2016 with a dual role as a support group leader and nurse liaison.

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