
Never a more dynamic and hopeful time . . . .

| Teresa Miceli

The 58th Annual American Society of Hematology (#ASH16, #IMFASH16) meeting is quickly approaching. Again, it will be held in San Diego, California, from December 3–5th, 2016. I have attended this meeting multiple times, in many locations, and, in recent years, with the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF) as a support group leader (SGL) and nurse liaison as a member of the Nurse Leadership Board (NLB). Each year that I attend, I anticipate the excitement of meeting new people, connecting with friends and colleagues, and learning the “latest and greatest” in the world of hematology, especially multiple myeloma. 

During the last decade, more and more information has become available on treatment advancement and related outcomes. In recent years, there is a greater focus on financial toxicity, Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) and Quality of Life (QOL) related to these treatments. Amongst sessions specific to multiple myeloma treatment and outcomes, I will attend sessions focusing at the economics, QOL, and PROs of cancer therapy. Symptom management sessions will also be on my radar. And, as always, my interest in transplant will draw me to a few sessions. 

The multiple myeloma community has never had a more dynamic and hopeful time. I am very thankful to share this experience with other SGLs and am honored to be invited by the IMF to participate in this educational program. 

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Teresa Miceli, RN

Teresa MIceli is a RN at Mayo Clinic-Rochester in the area of Blood and Marrow Transplant. She is a member of the International Myeloma Foundation’s Nurse Leadership Board and the facilitator of the Rochester Multiple Myeloma Sharing Sessions in Minnesota. Teresa has attended ASH many times, both as a learner and educator. She comes to ASH 2016 with a dual role as a support group leader and nurse liaison.

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